wow. these satellite tv smart cards sure make an
interesting story. favorite tidbits: in italy at one point, 75% of 4 million satellite tv users were using hacked smart cards. for years, using hacked cards in canada was, uh, not quite illegal. itv digital chief executive tony ball to investors: "itv digital/dtt is completely pirated, a joke. for seven dollars you can buy a card for all channels."
it's old news, but who is this
idiot? he's from 'business 2.0,' a magazine which i'd always thought was, like, some sick hybrid of 'wired,' 'money' and that cnbc show, '' their front page has something like forty images on it, nested tables, and the not-amazingly shocking information that 'business 2.0' is somehow connected to 'fortune,' 'money,' and cnet. it so figures. they also have a story about
wendy's marketing post-dave thomas' death. (the 'formatted for printing' version of the article still features two big sidebars and color pictures. why bother?) and did somebody tell me that there is beef fat in the wendy's frosty? i wasn't able to find confimation online. on the other hand, i didn't find it on the
snopes urban legends page either.