selected html 1.0 tags:
A - anchor
B - formatting tag, bold
BLOCKQUOTE - formatting tag, to indicate portions of text included from other documents
BODY - required
BR - line break
CODE - formatting tag, to indicate text is program source code
DD - list tag, definition
DIR - list tag, directory
DL - list tag, definition list
DT - list tag, definition term
EM - formatting tag, to indicate text is to be emphasized
H1 - structural heading, top (largest) level
H6 - structural heading, bottom (smallest) level
HEAD - required
HR - horizontal rule
HTML - required
I - formatting tag, italics
IMG - image anchor
LI - list tag, list item
MENU - list tag, compacted
META - optional head element, information for client software such as last revision date
OL - list tag, ordered list
P - paragraph break
PRE - formatting tag, indicates text should be preformatted (monospaced, preserve whitespace)
STRONG - formatting tag, strongly emphasize text
TITLE - required, see above
TT - formatting tag, typewriter text, show text in fixed font
UL - list tag, unnumbered list