This guy recreated a '60s boy's bedroom in 1/12 scale. Whoa. Did I post a link to the people who plan to drop SUVs out of planes? Here's a /. article, anyway. I believe they're the same ones behind Along similar lines, here are and Arianna Huffington's Detroit Project. And here's David 'Bobos in Paradise' Brooks in the WSJ. He likes SUVs. It's also probably the first Wall Street Journal article in a while to talk about jocks and geeks. Hmm. I'm not sure what to say about these folks, except to provide a link to these folks, and these folks, while i'm at it. And, what the heck, these scathing critiques, and an article: Why Gen X Doesn't Care that it Doesn't Care about the War.
And a long article about celebrity. ESPN ranked sports franchises, on the basis of how well they reward their fans. Number one, not shockingly, was the Green Bay Packers.
Grace: I know, I'll do what I did in college.
Will: Oh, Grace, I got rid of my bong years ago.
W&G (or is it 'and'?) is, like, the new 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' for me. It gets rerun a lot, despite being, like, unspeakably lowbrow, arguably-offensive and terrible. Wait, maybe 'despite' wasn't the right word choice there. Those W&G characters are about as finely drawn as--oh, I don't really have a punchline, I just wanted a nice seque into noting that Al Hirschfield died.