Preference Personnelle
Tuesday, September 28
Links past-due:

Blue Note covers (and others) via Mefi. Rad-lib celeb Jessamyn West's Naked Librarians page is the most popular thing on her site (my fave: the booklist) (and here's an essay about DNC blogger experiences). The most popular thing on this site seems to be the list of dirty Scrabble words.

Here are core competencies for online reference. Here's a Condensed Comics Construction Program. Kevin 'Cool Tools' Kelly reviews review sites and rounds up documentaries.

Here are some portrayals of librarians in obituaries, and of librarian clothing on eBay. Ooh, and the LibraryLookup bookmarklet maker. Here's that Flash Scrabble story.

And a couple Banned Books week things: on Wal-Mart and the Protocols of the Idols of Zion. Here's a Dealer article about Arming America.

Even more: a history of the Transformers (and one of Transformer). Hikarunix, the Go LiveCD. 50 Greatest Shooters. Mefiers debate Sarah McLacklan's newish video. Maya Keyes is a lesbian (but, frankly, who the hell cares?)

Nader, 80-pound paper and the Ohio ballots--Just how much of this story is bullshit? Also, here in Arkansas, local Dems' are working hard to get Nader off the ballot. The idea seems to be that Reps want fewer people to vote and Dems want more people to, but it's just got to be more complicated than that.

Shelley Jackson's 'Ineradicable Skin' project; would-be-CD-copy-protectors SunnComm; PBS' Origins; Hunt the Boeing redux; Nintendo DS weirdness; An exhaustive Star Wars DVD review..

A few K5 items: Duplicitious political ads, Wikipedia and neurolinguistic programming and the myth of the 'likely voter.'

Lastly: James Fallows in The Atlantic on Bush and Gore's debating styles. And, via Mefi, some very good debate links.
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