A wise man once said that the failure comes with you not trying, but determination in your task overrules any substance of failure. This letter is suppose to be a regards to a plea letter, but I wouldn't call it that is more of a letter of second chance. My mom once told me I'll teach you once maybe twice but the third time you figure it out on your own. This is my freshman year of college which is no excuse for the kind of grades I executed my first semester, but it does not mean I am a student that does not want to succeed in like and determined to be different and dare to dream of a better life. The difference between me and a lot of other cases colleges run across everyday is that when I mke mistakes I fix them and the route I was going to make them I change them. My life growing up was far past good laughs and fun, but I refuse to let my past determine my outcome in life. That's why I am here at Astate to make a difference. There are several different reasons why my grades weren't as they should have been my first year, but I will only name a few because I believe that if you dwell in the past you won't be as great as you could be in the future. I have a very ill grandmother the has breast cancer, she has had it four have of her life. My grandmother has raised me since I was a little child she is all that I know. When I found out that my grandmother was going ot be on life support I panic all I knew was to go back to be with my grandmother not knowing how much longer she had to live. I had to travel back home several times a week just to take care of here leaving me with very little time to work on my studies, I even had to resign from SGA, but I was determined not to quit school and not give up so I didn't. The second semester I made up in my mind that I had to do better and I would take on any challenges that came my way and I did. I work harder, I figured out a study time were I could balance my study time my grandmother and all the other activates I was active in. I want to do better and I will , my family nor I have the money to send me to college, I'm sure this is a lot of family cases in the world but I know that money that AID is providing for me is of great help and appreciation of my family. I promise to keep my grades from here on out above a 2.5 cause I am determined and self motivated and I want a college education more than I want anything else in this world and to finish with at least 3.0, and I'm ready to work hard. I hope that you on the board give me a second chance to prove the reason why I am here. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to write this letter explaining my reason. Like I explain in the beginning the failure is in not trying, and I AM.
[Person who leaves letters in library books]